Mayor Annette Frank
Counsilor Annette Frank

Mayor Frank was appointed May 2024 to serve the remainder of term that will expire 12/31/2026, and can be reached via email here

Annette Frank


Length of time in office:
10 years total over the years in various capacities

How long have you lived in Dayton?
20+ years

Where were you born?

Educational Background:
BS in Environmental Studies with a Focus in Policy

Career Background:
My career has been centered around customer service in various capacities but currently I work in the banking industry.

What do you love most about Dayton?

The small town appeal and community.

Do you have a particular area or passion regarding your work on the City Council?
Parks, water and small businesses.

Who inspires you to be better?
My Son inspires me to be better every day. It is his generation that will take the reigns and I want to bequeath something better for the future.

What is the last adventure you went on?
The last adventure was a visit to my Aunt in Olympia, WA where we visited many park sites for future plans.

If you were given 10 million dollars to spend on Dayton, how would you spend it?

If I had 10 million to spend on Dayton, I would develop a small business grant process to help small businesses in town get some of the needed funds to help grow their businesses. Additionally, I would put funding into developing and updating our parks. Finally, if there were funds remaining I would put funds towards infrastructure update/repair.